I edited the not-so-great photos I took today
to make them look 1960s-ish. See the cute little lamb to the left in the above photograph? That's my new ram, Rambo. (Obviously that isn't his real name, just an alias) Actually, he isn't technically "my" ram since I am only renting him for a month or two, to make baby lambs with my ewes.
I told you the photos weren't very good.
They look so cute and sheepish together. I really love my sheep; can't wait for spring = (hopefully) lambs + lovely green grass for them to devour.....plus, with lambs come the prospect of lamb (meat). Loin chops, rib chops, ground lamb, and with luck sheepskin. I guess I must be a demented, sociopath cruel kind of person, because the thought of eating adorable lambs doesn't bother me very much. Besides, by the time they are big enough to eat, they aren't really that cute anymore.
Rambo again in front. He is little compared to my large (obnoxious) ewes. "Hey ewe there!"
If you are starting a hobby or profit-centered farm, or need some extra income on a dairy farm, consider sheep!
* They don't take a lot of equipment.
*Are relatively cheap compared to larger or more exotic animals.
*There is a sheep breed for everyone! They can come in every color, sizes from mini to pony sized, and can be wooled or non-wooled.
* They eat grass or browse, and utilize it better than cattle do. Sheep would be glad to mow your lawn.
*Sheep are small and easier to handle than cattle, which makes them appropriate for women and children, or 4Hers.
*More predictable and less jumpy than goats.
*Can provide wool, meat, leather, or milk!
Even if you don't want, or can't, to get sheep, you have to admit they are useful, if not as adorable as I think they are.......
Guess what? I'm almost to 100 posts!

Flock on, dudes!
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